

} FILMS My project is going to be about some films that I will recommend you for that you watch in your free time, also I am going to talk about why are important the films in my life?. The films are important in my life because I will be an actress. Also when I was child and now, before the quarantine I went to Cinema all weekends an I loved to watch the news movies, I didn´t care which genders was. Some movies that I recommend are: Maze runner The kissing both 2 Harry Potter I studied in Charlot Academy and with some classmates we created a short movie and is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BfKB5tf86w&t=1s This short movie is about some classic theater plays, and about famous books.
                                            FILMS I selected this topic because I love to pass my free time in front of the tv, I watch a lot of movies.In this time of cornavirus I think that is important distract our minds with other things an a gran solution for this problem is to watch some of the best movies in 2020. For this proyect I am going to film a short movie, but I don´t know about what topic yet, I think that I will act with my family. Also I will talk about some recommendations that you can watch in this year. Some resources that I will to use are make up, my cellphone and cothles, all of this is important to create the best movie and are professional things that hollywood´s productions use.


ELECTRONIC MUSIC Musique concrete, created in Paris in 1948, was based on editing together recorder fragments of natural and industrial sounds. Music produced solety from electronic generators was first produced in Germany in 1953. Electronic music employs the use of electronic musical instruments an technology in the production of the music. Any music produced an modified through any electronic means can be categorized under electronic music.Electronic music includes a wide variety of musical styles. Finally, electronic music has transformed the production and quality of music played today. In contrast to traditonal music, electronic music allows for flexibility and creativity in the music production and play including voice modification and backgroung beats. Electronic music isn´t a style or genre of music but rather a technique of producing music.


     INDIAN MEDICINE People who lived in India began to create their own religion an it was called Hinduism.They created Ayurvedic medicine based on the Vedas. Ayurvedic is a recommended medicine to be healthy and to heal. Doctors have a great concern about hygiene, among their recommendations is a regular diet and daily excersice. There are two writings on Indian medicine:The first says that with observation and diagnosis it is possible to identify more than 200 types of diseases and the second contains a long session of surgeries.Ingredients include gold, herbs and more. The ancient Indians were the first to make more discoveries in surgery, they had 120 different instruments. Doctors today use very similar steps to perform surgeries.  Indian medicine also is used to improve health and mental problems.  Finally it focuses on the channels of the body, the doctors think that the disease is created when one of these channels is blocked and they have different ways to open


                                       NEWS CORONAVIRUS 2020 It is  a performance on a news story in wich a scientist conducts a study to see what the world will be after the covid-19.According to the study people are going to be crazy and they are going to stay in their homes for a few hours a day.Also in the future all the people will use mask to avoid another pandemic.Finally the newcast hires the best actors in the country to interpret this performance of the horrible 2020 pandemic.